Marianum Rosarium
This jewel appears as a spiritual appeal to conscious union among all peoples through individual and joint prayer.
This rosary offers itself as a vehicle of mediation for human renewal and congregation in the commitment to Christian values through sharing as an enriching practice for both the spirit and soul of all of us.
The Marianum Rosarium jewel proposes freedom in prayer as a flexible spiritual platform for RE-UNION and natural reunion in communion with the Christian faith among all beings, regardless of the limitations created by the rigidity of different religious dogmas to which they may be culturally linked.
We believe that genuine prayer is felt spontaneously, sincerely, and in the intimacy of each being. Therein lies the source of its inspiring and liberating power of spiritual effectiveness.
We live at a crucial moment in the History of Humanity. The imminence of an unprecedented global catastrophe: our extinction.
It is necessary to pray from the core of our hearts and pray for worldwide conversion to repentance through asking Jesus for forgiveness for the tremendous injustice committed in his crucifixion. He gave his life for the freedom of his brothers.
What happened with this freedom? Can anyone be proud of the state the world and our society are in? Would anyone have doubts about us being on the path to self-destruction? We must act on the time when it is still possible to reverse this destiny. And that time is now.
Let us remember that due to the words of warning spoken by Our Lady during her Apparition at the Sanctuary of Fátima, daily prayer through the rosary would have a determining role in the economy of Salvation.
Let us therefore pray ALL TOGETHER for the reconstruction of a renewed society. Truly fair and fraternal.
This is a collective duty.
By purchasing this Rosary you will be an active protagonist in carrying out works of solidarity that mitigate the effects of war and address the most urgent social imbalances. By purchasing this jewel you will be protecting and safeguarding the defense of the rights of our society and laying the foundations for a fertile future in democratic values that promote common peace for the entire human family.
Our proposal for the Marian Rosary highlights the role of the Mother of Jesus as the driving source and matrix of the sacred mysteries underlying the sacred existence of human life nurtured within Christianity and simultaneously corroborates the legitimacy of the Church as a pragmatic, indispensable and shared platform. responsible for the much-needed social and human reform.
By honoring the Heart of the Mother, we better know, love and glorify the Heart of Her Son. It is precisely in the saving strength of this Consubstantial Union that the Light of Hope resides for a new program of community life.
The Marianum Rosarium jewel is an object of maternal protection created in response to a soul call. The piece was conceived in the tenderness of compassion and Universal Love as a broad and tight embrace of all the jewels that constitute the valuable treasure of our great family.
May the brilliance of this piece illuminate the path to Peace in the World, opening the horizon for a New Era in the Human Condition.
O Rosário oferece-se como veículo colectivo de mediação, apelando à congregação e renovação humana por via da oração, sentida de forma espontânea e sincera na intimidade de cada ser.
A jóia Marianum Rosarium propõe a liberdade da prece como plataforma espiritual de RE-UNIÃO e reencontro natural, em comunhão com a fé cristã entre todos os seres.
É necessário rezar desde o âmago dos nossos corações e rogar pela conversão mundial ao arrependimento, através do pedido de perdão a Jesus pela injustiça cometida na sua crucificação, onde deu a vida pela Liberdade dos seus irmãos.
O que se fez com essa Liberdade? Acaso alguém se poderá orgulhar do estado em que o mundo se encontra? Acaso alguém terá dúvidas sobre estarmos no caminho da autodestruição? Há que agir no tempo em que ainda é possível reverter esse destino. Esse tempo é agora e é honrando o Coração da Mãe que melhor se conhece, ama e glorifica o Coração do Seu Filho.
Recordemos a mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Fátima: a oração diária do Rosário terá um papel determinante na Salvação. É um dever colectivo rezar pela reconstrução de uma sociedade renovada, verdadeiramente justa e fraterna.
A nossa proposta de Rosário Mariano destaca o papel da Mãe de Jesus enquanto fonte matriz e motriz dos Mistérios subjacentes à sacralidade da Vida humana, testemunhando a legitimidade da Igreja enquanto plataforma indispensável para a tão necessária reforma humana e social.
Ao adquirir este Rosário estará a ser protagonista na concretização de obras de solidariedade que atenuem os desequilíbrios sociais urgentes. Estará a proteger e a salvaguardar a defesa dos direitos da nossa sociedade e a erguer as bases para um futuro fértil em valores que promovam a paz comum para toda a Família Humana.