... just go with the flow
it will be my freedom ...
FLOW collection is the bridge between the woman and the world, between the Self and the Other.
Driven by the name and inspired by its dynamic shapes, the FLOW pieces outlines a secret dance in proximity movements with the eternal present.
Part of the sales results of the FLOW JEWELLS is attributed to APAV – Institution that supports crime victims, their families and friends, providing them with quality, free and voluntary services and contributing to the improvement of public, social and private policies centered on the status of the victim.
Parte dos resultados das vendas das JÓIAS FLOW é atribuída à associação APAV – Instituição de apoio as vítimas de crime, suas famílias e amigos, prestando-lhes serviços de qualidade, gratuitos e confidenciais e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas, sociais e privadas centradas no estatuto da vítima.